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发布日期:2023-06-03   浏览次数:















2015.9至2016.9巴西里约天主教大学 博士后 (CNPq资助)

2013.9至2014.8英国约克大学 联合培养博士生 (CSC资助)

2009.9至2015.8东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室 硕博连读(保送)

2005.8至2009.6东南大学信息科学与工程学院 本科(优秀毕业生)







Frontiers in Communications and Networks

Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing


IEEE VTC (2011、2015), IEEE ICC (2013、2015、2019), IEEE GC(2016、2017)、IEEE PIMRC (2012、2015)、ISCIT 2016,IEEE SAM 2016、IEEE-CIC ICCC 2017、IEEE WCNC 2019等国际会议

IEEE TCOM、IEEE TWC、IEEE TVT、IEEE CL、IEEE SPL、IEEE WCL、EURASIP JWCN、EURASIP JSIG、IET COM、International Journal of Electronics and Communications、Digital Signal Processing等杂志


IEEE GLOBECOM(2017、2019)、IEEE ICC (2015-2021), IEEE SAM (2016 Session Chair, 2018)、IEEE 5G World Forum (2018-2020)、IEEE/CIC ICCC 2017



[1]Wence Zhang, Rodrigo C. de Lamare, Cunhua Pan, Ming Chen, Jianxin Dai, Bingyang Wu, Xu Bao, “Widely-Linear Precoding for large scale MIMO with IQ Imbalance: Algorithms and Performance Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,2017

[2]Wence Zhang, Hong Ren, Cunhua Pan, Ming Chen, Rodrigo C de Lamare, Bo Du, Jianxin Dai, “Large-Scale Antenna Systems with UL/DL Hardware Mismatch: Achievable Rates Analysis and Calibration”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2015

[3]Wence Zhang, Xiaoxuan Xia, et al. “Hybrid and Full-Digital Beamforming in mmWave Massive MIMO Systems: A Comparison Considering Low-Resolution ADCs”, China Communications, 2019.

[4]Wence Zhang, Yan Ni, Hong Ren, Ming Chen, Jianxin Dai, “Performance Analysis in the High SNR Region for MF in the Downlink of Massive MIMO Systems”, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 2015

[5]Wence Zhang, Cunhua Pan, Bo Du, Ming Chen, Xue Gong, Jianxin Dai, “Downlink SINR Study in Multiuser Large Scale Antenna Systems”, Wireless Personal Communications, 2014

[6]X. Xia, W. Zhang, Y. Fu, X. Bao, and J. Xia, “Low Complexity Angular-Domain Detection for the Uplink of Multi-User mmWave Massive MIMO Systems,” Electronics, vol. 9, no. 5, p. 795, May 2020.

[7]J. Li, W. Zhang, X. Bao, M. Abbaszadeh, and W. Guo, “Inference in Turbulent Molecular Information Channels Using Support Vector Machine,” IEEE Trans. Mol. Biol. Multi-Scale Commun., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 25–35, 2020.

[8]X. Bao, W. Zhang, J. Dai, and J. Dai, “Low-Complexity Detection Based on Landweber Method in the Uplink of Massive MIMO Systems,” IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E101.B, no. 11, pp. 2340–2347, 2018.

[9]J. Li, X. Bao, W. Zhang, and N. Bao, “QoE Probability Coverage Model of Indoor Visible Light Communication Network,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. Cic, pp. 45390–45399, 2020.

[10]X. Bao, Y. Zhu, and W. Zhang, “Channel Characteristics for Molecular Communication via Diffusion With a Spherical Boundary,” IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1–1, 2019.

[11]X. Bao, J. Lin, and W. Zhang, “Channel Modeling of Molecular Communication via Diffusion With Multiple Absorbing Receivers,” IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 809–812, Jun. 2019.

[12]X. Bao, X. Gu, W. Zhang, and H. H. Chen, “User-Centric Quality-of-Experience Optimization and Scheduling of Multicolor LEDs in VLC Systems,” IEEE Syst. J., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 2275–2284, 2019.

[13]J. Shi, C. Pan, W. Zhang, and M. Chen, “Performance Analysis for User-Centric Dense Networks With mmWave,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 14537–14548, 2019.

[14]J. Shi, M. Chen, W. Zhang, Z. Yang, and H. Xu, “Dynamic AP Clustering and Precoding for User-Centric Virtual Cell Networks,” IEEE Trans. Commun., pp. 1–1, 2018.

[15]X. Bao, A. A. Okine, W. Adjardjah, W. Zhang, and J. Dai, “Channel adaptive dwell timing for handover decision in VLC-WiFi heterogeneous networks,” EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw., vol. 2018, no. 1, 2018.

[16]X. Bao, X. Gu, and W. Zhang, “User-centric quality of experience optimized resource allocation algorithm in VLC network with multi-color LED,” Opt. Express, vol. 26, no. 21, p. 16, 2018.

[17]X. Bao, W. Adjardjah, A. A. Okine, W. Zhang, and J. Dai, “A QoE-maximization-based vertical handover scheme for VLC heterogeneous networks,” EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw., vol. 2018, no. 1, 2018.

[18]X. Bao, J. Lin, and W. Zhang, “Channel Modeling of Molecular Communication via Diffusion with Multiple Absorbing Receivers,” IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., 2019.

[19]J. Shi, C. Pan, W. Zhang, and M. Chen, “Performance Analysis for User-Centric Dense Networks with mmWave,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 1–1, 2019.

[20]Linqiong Jia, Jin-Yuan Wang, Wence Zhang, Ming Chen, Jun-Bo Wang, “Symbol error rate analysis for colour-shift keying modulation in visible light communication system with RGB light-emitting diodes”, IET Optoelectronics, 2015

[21]Cunhua Pan, Wei Xu, Wence Zhang, Jiangzhou Wang, Hong Ren, Ming Chen, “Weighted Sum Energy Efficiency Maximization in Ad Hoc Networks”. IEEE Wireless Commun. Letters, 2015

[22]Bo Du, Cunhua Pan, Wence Zhang, Ming Chen, “Energy-Efficient Cooperative Transmission in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with QoS Constraint”, Wireless Personal Communications, 2014

[23]Bo Du, Cunhua Pan, Wence Zhang, Ming Chen, “Distributed Energy-Efficient Power Optimization for CoMP Systems With Max-Min Fairness”, IEEE Communications Letters, 2014

[24]Cunhua Pan, Jiangzhou Wang, Wence Zhang, Bo Du, Ming Chen, “Power Minimization in Multi-Band Multi-Antenna Cognitive Radio Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2014

[25]Cunhua Pan, Wei Xu, Jiangzhou Wang, Hong Ren, Wence Zhang, Nuo Huang, Ming Chen,“Totally distributed energy-efficient transmission in mimo interference channels”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2015

[26]Cunhua Pan, Wei Xu, Jiangzhou Wang, Hong Ren, Wence Zhang, Nuo Huang, and Ming Chen “Pricing-based Distributed Energy-Efficient Beamforming for MISO Interference Channels”. IEEE Journals on Selected Area in Communication, 2016


[1]Wence. Zhang, X. Bao and J. Dai, "Low-complexity detection based on landweber method in the uplink of Massive MIMO systems," EUSIPCO 2017

[2]Wence Zhang, RC de Lamare, C Pan, M Chen, B Wu, X Bao “Correlation-driven optimized Taylor expansion precoding for massive MIMO systems with correlated channels”, IEEE ICC 2017

[3]Wence Zhang, Rodrigo C. de Lamare, Ming Chen and Jianxin Dai, “Simplified Matrix Polynomial-Aided Block Diagonalization Precoding for Massive MIMO Systems”, IEEE SAM 2016

[4]Wence Zhang, Rodrigo C de Lamare, Cunhua Pan, Ming Chen, “Joint TX/RX IQ Imbalance Parameter Estimation Using a Generalized System Model”, IEEE ICC 2015

[5]Wence Zhang, Rodrigo C de Lamare, Cunhua Pan, Ming Chen, “Widely Linear Block-Diagonalization Type Precoding in Massive MIMO Systems with IQ Imbalance”, IEEE ICC 2015

[6]Wence Zhang, Rodrigo C de Lamare, Cunhua Pan, Ming Chen, “Achievable rate analysis of large scale antenna systems with hardware mismatch in UL/DL”, IEEE GlobeCom 2014

[7]Wence Zhang, Rodrigo C de Lamare, Ming Chen, “Reduced-Rank Widely Linear Precoding in Massive MIMO Systems with I/Q Imbalance”, Eusipco’ 2014

[8]Wence Zhang, Bo Du, Cunhua Pan, Ming Chen, “Downlink SINR distribution in multiuser large scale antenna systems with conjugate beamforming”, IEEE GlobeCom 2013

[9]Wence Zhang, Chunjuan Diao, Mei Zhao, Ming Chen, “Impact of Path Loss Exponents on Antenna Location Design for GDAS”, IEEE VTC Spring 2012

[10]Y. Miao, W. Zhang, and X. Bao, “Cooperative Source Positioning for SIMO Molecular Communication via Diffusion,” 2019 IEEE 19th Int. Conf. Commun. Technol., pp. 495–499, 2019.

[11]X. Gu, W. Zhang, and X. Bao, “Optimal Design of Subconnected Hybrid Structure for mmWave Massive MIMO Systems,” in 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), 2019, pp. 685–689.

[12]C. Chen, W. Zhang, and X. Bao, “Achievable Rate Analysis on the Uplink of Massive MIMO with Superimposed Pilots and Arbitrary-Bit ADCs,” in International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT, 2019, pp. 674–678.

[13]Y. Fu, W. Zhang, X. Xia, and X. Bao, “Uplink Performance Analysis of Mixed-ADC Massive MIMO Systems with MMSE Receivers,” in International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, 2018, pp. 1–6.

[14]X. Bao, W. Adjardjah, A. Okine, W. Zhang, and N. Bao, “Vertical Handover Scheme for Enhancing the QoE in VLC Heterogeneous Networks,” in IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, 2018, pp. 1–6.

[15]Y. Yang, W. Zhang, J. Jin, Z. Zhang, X. You, and C. Zhang, “Efficient Compressed Landweber Detector for Massive MIMO,” in 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), 2018, no. Ld, pp. 65–70.

[16]J. Shi, M. Chen, Wence. Zhang, Z. Yang and H. Xu, "Precoder design in user-centric virtual cell networks," EUSIPCO 2017.

[17]Linqiong Jia, Wence Zhang, Zhaohui Yang, Chunhua Ma, Ming Chen, “Cell sites planning with minimized power consumption under cell load balancing constraint in LTE networks”, WCSP 2013

[18]Yan Ni, Wence Zhang, Ming Chen, “Antenna subset selection in MU large-scale MIMO systems”, IEEE WCSP, 2013

[19]Bo Du, Wence Zhang, Cunhua Pan, Ming Chen, “Energy-efficient joint beamforming and antenna selection for multicast systems”, IEEE WCNC, 2013

[20]Cunhua Pan, Wence Zhang, Nuo Huang, Houyu Wang, Jianxin Dai, Ming Chen, “Pricing-based Distributed Beamforming for Weighted Sum Energy-Efficiency in MISO Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE ICC, 2015.

[21]Cunhua Pan, Wence Zhang, Bo Du, Hong Ren, Ming Chen, “Totally distributed energy-efficient transmission design in MIMO interference channels”. IEEE GLOBECOM 2014.

[22]Bo Du, Cunhua Pan, Wence Zhang, Ming Chen, Hui Lan, “Beamforming for single group multicast systems to maximize the access rate”, WCSP, 2013

[23]Hong Ren, Cunhua Pan, Wence Zhang, Ming Chen, “Energy efficient and interference management with MISO beamforming in femtocells”, WCSP, 2013

[24]Hong Ren, Cunhua Pan, Wence Zhang, Ming Chen, “Downlink interference mitigation for OFDMA femtocell networks”, WCSP, 2013

[25]Bo Du, Ming Chen, Wence Zhang, Cunhua Pan, “Optimal beamforming for single group multicast systems based on weighted sum rate”, IEEE ICC, 2013

[26]Nan Wang, Ming Chen, Wence Zhang, Xiaoli Chu, “Chernoff upper bound of PEP for distributed space-time coding relay systems in Nakagami-m fading channels”, WCSP 2011

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